like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
like a heavy load.
- In 1849, Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman to graduate from a U.S. medical school in N.Y.
- In 1864, Rebecca Lee Crumpler became the first black woman to graduate from a U.S. medical school in New England.
- In 1915, women represented approximately 5% of the physician workforce in the U.S.
- In 1983, women represented approximately 1/3 of U.S. medical school matriculants.
- In 1976, Grady doctor and cardiologist Nanette K. Wenger is recognized as one of Time Magazine's Women of the year, and in 1998 she is named Chief of Cardiology.
- In 2006, women represented nearly one half of all U.S. medical school matriculants and graduates.
- In 2008, my medical school classmate Yolanda Wimberly wins the prestigious AAMC Humanism in Medicine Award
- In 2009, my colleague Lisa Bernstein becomes the youngest and one of few female recipients of the Papageorge Teaching Award, one of the highest teaching awards attainable at Emory University School of Medicine.
- In 2009, my colleague Stacy Higgins wins the Outstanding Clinician-Generalist Award, the highest honor given to a general internist at Emory.
- In 2009 and 2010, I celebrated the completion of residency training with fifteen women I supervise in clinic each week--only a small representation of the strong presence of women in residency training at our program, and women in the physician workforce.
- In 2008, I asked my preschool aged son, Isaiah, if he wanted to be a doctor when he grew up. His answer? "No way! I'm a boy! Doctors are girls!"
- You've come a long way, babygirl!

still goin' strong. . .56 years after graduating from med school

Doin' her thang at the Morehouse School of Medicine
SGIM National Meeting 2009
(pictured here with Dr. Stacy H. and me)
Aliya H., Angie R., and Tenecia D.
Me and Drs. Natalie Levy, and Lesley Miller
Emory Department of Medicine Class of 2010
Christina P., Eva R., Rathi P., (me), Ayushi A., Sameera A., Julie E., Darina S.
What happens to a dream deferred? It explodes!Meharry Girls, School of Medicine Class of '96
Awesome OB/Gyn, Awesome-er friend
Esteemed catcher of both Manning babies (pictured with baby Zachary)
(a really, really big deal--case in point: last female to receive it? Uh, see Nanette Wenger, above. Hello?!)
Meharry Alumni, Tuskegee Alumni, and College sorority sisters
with Dr. Falona G.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Chapter Anniversary Celebration, Tuskegee 2008
The future is bright: Emory medical students, Hreem D., Antoinette N. and Carrie N.
with Dr. Falona G.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Chapter Anniversary Celebration, Tuskegee 2008
"Cause they see a woman standing up on her own two
Sloppy slouching is something I won't do
Some think that we can't flow (can't flow)
Stereotypes, they got to go (got to go)
I'm a mess around and flip the scene into reverse
(With what?) With a little touch of 'Ladies First'. . . ."
~ Queen Latifah, "Ladies First" circa 1989
Sloppy slouching is something I won't do
Some think that we can't flow (can't flow)
Stereotypes, they got to go (got to go)
I'm a mess around and flip the scene into reverse
(With what?) With a little touch of 'Ladies First'. . . ."
~ Queen Latifah, "Ladies First" circa 1989
Kickin' it Old School with a little "Ladies First" by Queen Latifah (before the acting career and Covergirl campaign)
~The original sistagirl's anthem!~
~The original sistagirl's anthem!~
powerful and empowering.