Required Reading

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Reflections from a Clinician-educator on Match Day: The excitement never dies. . .

IN DEBT? Maybe.
"You did it!!"
(with advisee and M4, Bianca S., Emory SOM Match Day)
March 18, 2010

"Match Day"

Different specialties debated

Some must be negated
Anxieties inflated

A choice finally stated

(Though sometimes belated)

Applications created

Arranged and collated
Interviews slated
And, as much as you hate it,

The game--you have played it

A list signed and dated

For this day long awaited. . . .

Your fear, concentrated

The heart, palpitated

Your work, culminated

You'll learn what is fated. . . .

The verdict is stated

Most are e
A few, devastated
(Or inebriated)

All, liberated

The foundation, you've laid it

Go ahead and parade it

And, of course, celebrate it
You've finally made it!

- Dr. M

Congratulations to all of the extraordinary senior medical students on your bright and exciting futures -- and the mamas, daddies, aunties, uncles, grandmamas, granddaddies, husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends and entire village that got you there!

Go ahead and parade it --and of course, celebrate it! (Lawd KNOWS we did. . . . .)

Match shenanigans circa 1996

Me as celebratory M4 on Match Day-- March 20, 1996
(That was H20 in that cup, Mom and Dad, I promise.)

The excitement never dies. . . . . .


  1. I am always amazed at how you find songs to match your blogs, but when I read this one, I had to say "day-uum" - how'd she find THAT??? When I realized that you had written it yourself, I patted myself on the back and thought that you had inherited the good parts of me and made them even better (No, I'm not modest about saying that). LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT!!!
    And if that's actually water in that glass, there are certainly parts of me that you didn't inherit!

  2. I'll be starting at Emory this summer and somehow stumbled upon your blog. Thank you for the entries and insights into both medicine and life. If the rest of the faculty are anything like you and the physicians I've met, then I'll count myself blessed.

  3. Anonymous Future M1. . . .OMG, the rest of the faculty are MUCH cooler than me. . .Emory is a virtual "coolfest"--you'll see! Seriously, though, thanks for the kind words. . .look forward to meeting you in July! ~Dr. M

  4. FYI: Tony says I have to call him Dr. Chin-Quee when the small group graduates ahead of me. Maybe I should reconsider this whole MPH business... Also, on match day this year I was nervous for the M4s, next year I'll probably cry and when my turn comes up, I'll probably vasovagal out.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan